These videos are a must watch to give you a head start!
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Academy>Must Watch
Academy>Chm. Han Gill Park
Atomy Corporation>News & Articles
New to Ch. Atomy?(3)
Q&A with Chm. Park(19)
Questions submitted by Atomians that are answered by Dreamy Park.
05 Views 1,326 553 Posted
Think Point!(5)
Chm. Han Gill Park's lectures in short bite-sized videos!
55 Views 176 20 Posted
English Dub(7)
When you don't have the time to be reading subtitles, whether you're wanting to listen to a lecture while on the go, working out or any other busy lifestyle. Here are a collection of Atomy Lectures that have been dubbed for your convenience. Listen away!
05 Views 165 15 Posted